Sunday, January 12, 2014


"Growing up isn't simply getting old... growing up is when you don't believe anymore" - Walt Disney

Being a High School student has always been a dream of mine. Since young, I've always imagined that in High School, things will change. People get older and I imagine myself being the High School girl I see in movies I see everywhere. Then when it comes the time when I reach High School, I feel that I've grown so old that I sometimes forget to dream and hope like the little me used to do. Dreaming became so hard since reality kicks in and sometimes, you just know that dreams don't come true and loose all your faith. This is why for this assignment, I would want to remind my friends, and also myself that we're never too old for dreaming by making this blog about Disney, especially about the princesses that I've loved since as long as I can remember.

Princesses aren't just about them being beautiful, waiting for their prince to come, and living in castles. They are so much more than that. To me, personally, princesses are people – girls, to be exact – who believe in themselves, fight for what they believe in, are beautiful both inside and out, and it turns out that being a princess isn't so easy. Princesses never give up and always fight for whatever is right, even though it means loosing something that they can't afford loosing. This is the reason that I love princesses, Disney's especially, so much since I was young. They're always teaching me to be better and gives inspiration whenever I need them. 

Like what Happy (one of the dwarves from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves) said, "you're never too old to be young." Let us embrace our youth by remembering our childhood, with the help of Disney!

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